OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

AutoIso Splitting Scenarios

Below are a few scenarios you can try to see how the AutoSplitting option works. While this doesn't cover all of the possible scenarios, it will give you an idea of how to proceed when you begin to use the AutoSplitting functionality with more complex isometrics.

To test the scenarios below it is suggested to attach an i-model containing a single pipeline which contains multiple components (at least 30) and one or more defined iso breaks. Be sure to only create one isosheet from the pipeline.

Scenario 1
  1. In the Isometric Style Configuration -> Automatic Iso Splitting -> Sheet Settings page, check the Do Not Split option.
  2. Save the changes and create the isometric.
  3. Observe that a single isometric is produced. The result is named after the input file.
Scenario 2
  1. In the Isometric Style Configuration -> Automatic Iso Splitting -> Sheet Settings page, set the Split options.
  2. Uncheck the Do Not Split option and check all the other options. Create the isometric.
  3. Observe that the isometric is being split on the iso breaks.
  4. Observe that the sheet name is set to the input file + the sheet expression.
  5. Modify the sheet suffix expression to where the it would be the same for all sheets.
  6. The isometric generation process should fail. A usable error message is written to the production log.
Scenario 3
  1. In the Isometric Style Configuration -> Automatic Iso Splitting -> Sheet Settings page, uncheck the split on iso break option and set the max number of components to around 15.
  2. Recreate the isometric.
  3. Observe that the input is split in several sheets.
  4. Next, uncheck the split on Component Count option and create the isometric.
  5. Observe that a single isometric is being created but with the isometric file is named using the sheet suffix value.